OFFICIAL MR. YOGA GLOBAL AMBASSADORS ambassadors have been hand selected based upon their unique talents and successes. Our yoga ambassador’s goal is to guide you through your yogic journey by contributing quality content to Our extensive online library includes yoga poses, yoga videos and articles that will assist you in learning, understanding and growing in your yoga practice quickly and efficiently. The number of amazing Yogis in our Mr. Yoga Ambassador Program is constantly growing. The following features a few of our inspirational ambassadors sharing their life stories.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Alessandra F.

Alessandra F.

Origins: Italy

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Natarajasana / Lord of the Dance Yoga Pose. I love this pose because it looks beautiful and provides an incredible leg and back stretch, while helping with balance and posture.

Motto: “We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves.” – Marie Curie.

Yoga Has Taught Me: That it can be an outlet to escape the stresses and frustrations of everyday life, while challenging my body and relaxing my mind.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Skydiving made me become more adventurous. This has led me to create a bucket list and I have now been checking off my goals in life one by one.

Favorite Yoga Memory: Learning and mastering the challenging poses for the photos on the Mr. Yoga website!

More About Alessandra: Alessandra is a graduate student. She spends most of her days doing scientific research in a laboratory. She loves traveling and trying new things. 

Alessandra F.

Origins: Italy

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Natarajasana / Lord of the Dance Yoga Pose. I love this pose because it looks beautiful and provides an incredible leg and back stretch, while helping with balance and posture.

Motto: “We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves.” – Marie Curie.

Yoga Has Taught Me: That it can be an outlet to escape the stresses and frustrations of everyday life, while challenging my body and relaxing my mind.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Skydiving made me become more adventurous. This has led me to create a bucket list and I have now been checking off my goals in life one by one.

Favorite Yoga Memory: Learning and mastering the challenging poses for the photos on the Mr. Yoga website!

More About Alessandra: Alessandra is a graduate student. She spends most of her days doing scientific research in a laboratory. She loves traveling and trying new things. 

Mr. Yoga Ambassador -

Katerina D.

Origins: Russia

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana II / One legged King Pigeon Pose II, because it stretches not only the back and shoulders but also the hips. I have pretty good hip flexibility, this is one of few poses that actually gives me some hip stretch.

Motto: While most only dream of success, winners wake-up and work hard to achieve it.

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has helped me gain insight into the person I am.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Having two children.

Favorite Yoga Memory: My favorite yoga memory is doing a handstand for the first time. A handstand requires a lot of strength and coordination. I kept practicing and one day everything just clicked and I was able to get into it 

More About Kat: Kat is a mother of two children. She makes time for her yoga practice because it keeps her feeling physically and mentally strong. As a Virtual Learning Specialist she naturally loves technology and learning new creative ways to do things.

Kat D.

Origins: Russia

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana II / One legged King Pigeon Pose II, because it stretches not only the back and shoulders but also the hips. I have pretty good hip flexibility, this is one of few poses that actually gives me some hip stretch.

Motto: While most only dream of success, winners wake-up and work hard to achieve it.

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has helped me gain insight into the person I am.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Having two children.

Favorite Yoga Memory: My favorite yoga memory is doing a handstand for the first time. A handstand requires a lot of strength and coordination. I kept practicing and one day everything just clicked and I was able to get into it 

More About Kat: Kat is a mother of two children. She makes time for her yoga practice because it keeps her feeling physically and mentally strong. As a Virtual Learning Specialist she naturally loves technology and learning new creative ways to do things.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Frances L.

Frances L.

Origins: Philippines

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Svarga Dvijasana / Bird of Paradise. I am currently working on perfecting this pose which requires binding and combines balance with flexibility. 

Motto: Keep smiling. Why? It keeps you young at heart. 

Yoga Has Taught Me: I have discovered that with time and patience you can find the self discipline and inner strength to grow both physically and mentally.

Major Breakthrough in Life: When I overcame my fear of public speaking and delivered a speech on professional development to my colleagues at work. 

Favorite Yoga Memory: The first time I did Urdhva Dhanurasana / Wheel Pose I was amazed at what I was able to accomplish since backbends did not come to me naturally.

More About Frances: Frances is an Elementary school teacher.  She’s a regular gym goer and practices yoga daily. She makes a point of incorporating a variety of physical activities such as boxing, running and strength training into her fitness routine.

Frances L.

Origins: Philippines

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Svarga Dvijasana / Bird of Paradise. I am currently working on perfecting this pose which requires binding and combines balance with flexibility. 

Motto: Keep smiling. Why? It keeps you young at heart. 

Yoga Has Taught Me: I have discovered that with time and patience you can find the self discipline and inner strength to grow both physically and mentally.

Major Breakthrough in Life: When I overcame my fear of public speaking and delivered a speech on professional development to my colleagues at work. 

Favorite Yoga Memory: The first time I did Urdhva Dhanurasana / Wheel Pose I was amazed at what I was able to accomplish since backbends did not come to me naturally.

More About Frances: Frances is an Elementary school teacher.  She’s a regular gym goer and practices yoga daily. She makes a point of incorporating a variety of physical activities such as boxing, running and strength training into her fitness routine.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Neelam P.

Neelam P.

Origins: India

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Any seated meditation pose. I love to meditate. I went to a Vipassana retreat for 12 days where you don’t speak or communicate with others.

Motto: There is no such thing as coincidence, so love life and jump at all opportunities.

Yoga Has Taught Me: The importance of self restraint and perseverance.

Major Breakthrough in Life: I used to be afraid of heights but now when I skydive I take a deep breath and jump.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I did my first handstand I left the yoga class feeling like I could do anything, that all I ever dreamed of and even what I hadn’t imagined was possible and attainable.

More About Neelam: Neelam loves traveling and playing baseball. She also enjoys a daily yoga practice to help keep her body and mind strong and healthy. She loves seated poses and enjoys meditation to clear her mind, bringing her peace and a sense of well-being.

Neelam P.

Origins: India

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Any seated meditation pose. I love to meditate. I went to a Vipassana retreat for 12 days where you don’t speak or communicate with others.

Motto: There is no such thing as coincidence, so love life and jump at all opportunities.

Yoga Has Taught Me: The importance of self restraint and perseverance.

Major Breakthrough in Life: I used to be afraid of heights but now when I skydive I take a deep breath and jump.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I did my first handstand I left the yoga class feeling like I could do anything, that all I ever dreamed of and even what I hadn’t imagined was possible and attainable.

More About Neelam: Neelam loves traveling and playing baseball. She also enjoys a daily yoga practice to help keep her body and mind strong and healthy. She loves seated poses and enjoys meditation to clear her mind, bringing her peace and a sense of well-being.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Shriya M.


Origins: India

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Garudasana / Eagle Pose. In Hindu mythology Garuda is the king of birds, he transports Lord Vishnu and is said to be eager to help humanity in its fight against evil. 

Motto: An arrow can only be shot by being pulled backwards. When life presents setbacks in your path use them as an opportunity to propel yourself forward with speed and grace.

Yoga Has Taught Me: To always stay focused on my goals even when times are frustrating and tough.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Graduating University with honors.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I finally learned to master Ujjayi breathing in coordination with the yoga poses.

More About Shriya: Shriya was born in India. She is a university graduate who majored in Communication Studies with a minor in Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University.


Origins: India

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Garudasana / Eagle Pose. In Hindu mythology Garuda is the king of birds, he transports Lord Vishnu and is said to be eager to help humanity in its fight against evil. 

Motto: An arrow can only be shot by being pulled backwards. When life presents setbacks in your path use them as an opportunity to propel yourself forward with speed and grace.

Yoga Has Taught Me: To always stay focused on my goals even when times are frustrating and tough.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Graduating University with honors.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I finally learned to master Ujjayi breathing in coordination with the yoga poses.

More About Shriya: Shriya was born in India. She is a university graduate who majored in Communication Studies with a minor in Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador -  Corrado R.

Corrado R.

Origins: Italian 

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Padmasana in Adho Mukha Vrksasana / Handstand Lotus Pose because it challenges my strength, flexibility and coordination.

Motto: Always wake up on the right side of the bed, it sets the whole tone for your day!

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga continuously teaches me to quiet my mind, which is still the hardest part for me, as my brain is usually in a “drunken monkey” mode.

Major Breakthrough in Life: To get the job I always wanted. I feel very fortunate that I earn my living doing what I love, not many people are lucky enough to do that.

Favorite Yoga Memory: My first handstand. I have almost zero skills in sports, so accomplishing challenging yoga poses was a pleasant surprise even to myself.

More About Corrado: Corrado is the first Canadian born in a family of Italian descent. He loves to create wall and car hood Murals and his work can be seen at His interests include fast cars, physical fitness, and movies.

Corrado R.

Origins: Italian 

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Padmasana in Adho Mukha Vrksasana / Handstand Lotus Pose because it challenges my strength, flexibility and coordination.

Motto: Always wake up on the right side of the bed, it sets the whole tone for your day!

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga continuously teaches me to quiet my mind, which is still the hardest part for me, as my brain is usually in a “drunken monkey” mode.

Major Breakthrough in Life: To get the job I always wanted. I feel very fortunate that I earn my living doing what I love, not many people are lucky enough to do that.

Favorite Yoga Memory: My first handstand. I have almost zero skills in sports, so accomplishing challenging yoga poses was a pleasant surprise even to myself.

More About Corrado: Corrado is the first Canadian born in a family of Italian descent. He loves to create wall and car hood Murals and his work can be seen at His interests include fast cars, physical fitness, and movies.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Aggie M.

Aggie M.

Origins: China

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Pincha Mayurasana / Peacock Feather Pose as this pose challenge my flexibility and keeps me feeling youthful and vibrant.

Motto: Just do it. Believe your dream will come true.

Yoga Has Taught Me: The miracles and wonders of the human body. When we challenge ourselves, we can do yoga poses that once seemed impossible.

Major breakthrough in life: Starting my own business and facing my fears. At first it was scary but now I realize that it was the best decision I ever made.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I did my first Shirshasana / Headstand. YeeeHaaah!

More about Aggie: Aggie was born in Hong Kong of Chinese and Indonesian descent. The mother of three children, she is also a successful entrepreneur who despite her busy schedule keeps fit and active. At 50+ years her passion for yoga and exercise is inspiring. She loves spending time with her family and being near the water in the summer.

Aggie M.

Origins: China

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Pincha Mayurasana / Peacock Feather Pose as this pose challenge my flexibility and keeps me feeling youthful and vibrant.

Motto: Just do it. Believe your dream will come true.

Yoga Has Taught Me: The miracles and wonders of the human body. When we challenge ourselves, we can do yoga poses that once seemed impossible.

Major breakthrough in life: Starting my own business and facing my fears. At first it was scary but now I realize that it was the best decision I ever made.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I did my first Shirshasana / Headstand. YeeeHaaah!

More about Aggie: Aggie was born in Hong Kong of Chinese and Indonesian descent. The mother of three children, she is also a successful entrepreneur who despite her busy schedule keeps fit and active. At 50+ years her passion for yoga and exercise is inspiring. She loves spending time with her family and being near the water in the summer.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Deanna C.

Deanna D.

Origins: United States

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Adho Mukha Vrkasana / Handstand. I’m a yoga pose inversion junkie who loves flipping my world upside down, keeping me vibrant, young and healthy.

Motto: Your practice doesn’t have to be about what looks “right” or “perfect.” Play with what feels good, juicy, glorious, tantalizing, and jump out of your skin!

Yoga Has Taught Me: That my body is an incredibly amazing machine.

Major Breakthrough in Life: I’ve built a practice around safe alignment and full body awareness coupled with being creative and exploring the endless possibilities of what I’m capable of.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I did my first headstand.

More About Deanna: Deanna is a Yoga Teacher and former ballerina. She enjoys assisting her students in deepening their understanding of the Yoga Practice. Deanna does a daily Vinyasa practice because it requires strength, builds character and endurance. 

Deanna D.

Origins: United States

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Adho Mukha Vrkasana / Handstand. I’m a yoga pose inversion junkie who loves flipping my world upside down, keeping me vibrant, young and healthy.

Motto: Your practice doesn’t have to be about what looks “right” or “perfect.” Play with what feels good, juicy, glorious, tantalizing, and jump out of your skin!

Yoga Has Taught Me: That my body is an incredibly amazing machine.

Major Breakthrough in Life: I’ve built a practice around safe alignment and full body awareness coupled with being creative and exploring the endless possibilities of what I’m capable of.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I did my first headstand.

More About Deanna: Deanna is a Yoga Teacher and former ballerina. She enjoys assisting her students in deepening their understanding of the Yoga Practice. Deanna does a daily Vinyasa practice because it requires strength, builds character and endurance. 

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Brent J.

Brent J.

Origins: Canada

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Eka Pada Bakasana / One Leg Crane Pose. I love arm balances because they test my strength, flexibility and balance.

Motto: Everything you’ll ever need to know is within you. The secrets of the universe are imprinted in the cells of your body. 

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has taught me to be fearless in my desire for personal growth and created a need to overcome all obstacles I encounter.

Major Breakthrough in Life: When I won the International Water Drinking Championship.

Favorite Yoga Memory: My first yoga class was with Mr. Yoga. I had a preconceived idea of what I thought yoga was all about but it challenged me in ways I never imagined.

More About Brent: Brent is a stuntman and actor. He loves car racing, parkour, gymnastics, martial arts, skydiving, snowboarding, BMX riding, yoga, weight training, hiking, rock climbing, rollerblading, and traveling abroad.

Brent J.

Origins: Canada

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Eka Pada Bakasana / One Leg Crane Pose. I love arm balances because they test my strength, flexibility and balance.

Motto: Everything you’ll ever need to know is within you. The secrets of the universe are imprinted in the cells of your body. 

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has taught me to be fearless in my desire for personal growth and created a need to overcome all obstacles I encounter.

Major Breakthrough in Life: When I won the International Water Drinking Championship.

Favorite Yoga Memory: My first yoga class was with Mr. Yoga. I had a preconceived idea of what I thought yoga was all about but it challenged me in ways I never imagined.

More About Brent: Brent is a stuntman and actor. He loves car racing, parkour, gymnastics, martial arts, skydiving, snowboarding, BMX riding, yoga, weight training, hiking, rock climbing, rollerblading, and traveling abroad.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Matthew B.


 Origins: Trinidad

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Handstand, because it’s a difficult pose that requires strength, balance, and concentration. It also looks very cool.

Motto: Peace and perseverance.

Yoga Has Taught Me: How to mindfully deal with difficult and challenging situations with courage and kindness. 

Major Breakthrough in Life: After two visits to India, I completed my 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training with Chandra Yoga International. 

Favorite Yoga Memory: Eating chocolate bars at the yoga photoshoot for the New York Times best seller 2,100 Asanas book


More About Matthew: Matthew’s love for travel and adventure led him to teach yoga in Panama, Costa Rica, Hawaii, British Virgin Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and India.  He has a “Live Now” tattooed on his arm – a reminder to be present and to live life to the fullest.


 Origins: Trinidad

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Handstand, because it’s a difficult pose that requires strength, balance, and concentration. It also looks very cool.

Motto: Peace and perseverance.

Yoga Has Taught Me: How to mindfully deal with difficult and challenging situations with courage and kindness. 

Major Breakthrough in Life: After two visits to India, I completed my 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training with Chandra Yoga International. 

Favorite Yoga Memory: Eating chocolate bars at the yoga photoshoot for the New York Times best seller 2,100 Asanas book


More About Matthew: Matthew’s love for travel and adventure led him to teach yoga in Panama, Costa Rica, Hawaii, British Virgin Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and India.  He has a “Live Now” tattooed on his arm – a reminder to be present and to live life to the fullest.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Paula O.

Paula O.

Origins: Portugal

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Eka Pada Galavasana / One Legged Balance Yoga Pose Dedicated to Galava since arm balances challenge my strength, flexibility and balance.

Motto: If you put limits on what you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work, and all aspects of your life. 

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has allowed me to challenge myself. It pushes me outside of my comfort zone. 

Major Breakthrough in Life: My major breakthrough in life was when I overcame my fear of death. It taught me to love life and live everyday with purpose.

Favorite Yoga Memory: Doing a handstand for the first time is my most memorable yoga moment. I decided that I wouldn’t be afraid anymore and I succeeded.

More About Paula: Paula was born in Toronto to Portuguese parents. She’s a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher who loves to run marathons, cycling and boxing. 

Paula O.

Origins: Portugal

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Eka Pada Galavasana / One Legged Balance Yoga Pose Dedicated to Galava since arm balances challenge my strength, flexibility and balance.

Motto: If you put limits on what you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work, and all aspects of your life. 

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has allowed me to challenge myself. It pushes me outside of my comfort zone. 

Major Breakthrough in Life: My major breakthrough in life was when I overcame my fear of death. It taught me to love life and live everyday with purpose.

Favorite Yoga Memory: Doing a handstand for the first time is my most memorable yoga moment. I decided that I wouldn’t be afraid anymore and I succeeded.

More About Paula: Paula was born in Toronto to Portuguese parents. She’s a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher who loves to run marathons, cycling and boxing. 

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Kristen C.

Kristen C.

Origins: Canada

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: I love Savasana / Corpse Pose. I have a very active lifestyle and it challenges me to be still and focus on my breath, body, and the present moment.

Motto: Don’t worry, be happy.

Yoga Has Taught Me: I have learned that a regular practice helps strengthen my mind and body allowing me find peace and stillness. 

Major Breakthrough in Life: When I got the call to be part of the cast for a Major Musical Mirvish production.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I decided to train for Toronto’s 2010 Bikram Yoga Competition and placed 3rd. 

More About Kristen: Kristen is a dance teacher originally from a small town in Saskatchewan called Biggar. Her Grandparents are from Germany. Her hobbies and interests include performing arts, painting, film and yoga.

Kristen C.

Origins: Canada

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: I love Savasana / Corpse Pose. I have a very active lifestyle and it challenges me to be still and focus on my breath, body, and the present moment.

Motto: Don’t worry, be happy.

Yoga Has Taught Me: I have learned that a regular practice helps strengthen my mind and body allowing me find peace and stillness. 

Major Breakthrough in Life: When I got the call to be part of the cast for a Major Musical Mirvish production.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I decided to train for Toronto’s 2010 Bikram Yoga Competition and placed 3rd. 

More About Kristen: Kristen is a dance teacher originally from a small town in Saskatchewan called Biggar. Her Grandparents are from Germany. Her hobbies and interests include performing arts, painting, film and yoga.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Erin B.

Erin B.

Origins: Canada

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Kala Bhairavasana / Pose dedicated to Shiva in His Most Destructive State since my favorite type of yoga poses are backbends because they help increase my spinal flexibility.

Motto: Your mind is a garden. Cultivate it wisely.

Yoga Has Taught Me: The only limitation is self perceived limitation.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Taking the Mr. Yoga teacher training course.

Favorite Yoga Memory: I received my nickname Shiva 2 Meter Foot. I didn’t think I could do a pose and Mr. Yoga made a joke about how I could do the pose if my foot grew two meters. I realized that I had a self perceived limitation that could be overcome. I ended up getting the pose 2 minutes later. It felt like Satori, sudden enlightenment.

More About Erin: Erin is the mother of two young children. She is a Yoga Teacher who loves to inspire her students and push them past their comfort zone. 

Erin B.

Origins: Canada

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Kala Bhairavasana / Pose dedicated to Shiva in His Most Destructive State since my favorite type of yoga poses are backbends because they help increase my spinal flexibility.

Motto: Your mind is a garden. Cultivate it wisely.

Yoga Has Taught Me: The only limitation is self perceived limitation.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Taking the Mr. Yoga teacher training course.

Favorite Yoga Memory: I received my nickname Shiva 2 Meter Foot. I didn’t think I could do a pose and Mr. Yoga made a joke about how I could do the pose if my foot grew two meters. I realized that I had a self perceived limitation that could be overcome. I ended up getting the pose 2 minutes later. It felt like Satori, sudden enlightenment.

More About Erin: Erin is the mother of two young children. She is a Yoga Teacher who loves to inspire her students and push them past their comfort zone. 

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Elena B.

Elena B.

Origins: Russia

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Uttana Padasana / Intense Leg Stretch and Supta Virasana / Reclining Hero Pose because it helps me stretch my legs, knees, hip flexors and back.

Motto: What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

Yoga Has Taught Me: I find that all the lessons I’ve learned on the mat can easily be translated into my everyday life. One of them is: If you fall, get back up and start again.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Coming to Canada and being away from my friends and family helped me realize that my strength comes from within.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I completed the pose called Eka Pada Galavasana / One Legged Pose Dedicated to Galava for the first time. It felt like a great accomplishment! 

More About Elena: Elena immigrated to Canada 7 years ago by herself and quickly fell in love with Toronto. She is a former professional Russian folk dancer. She loves to explore a variety of yoga poses because it keeps her in optimal shape both mentally and physically.

Elena B.

Origins: Russia

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Uttana Padasana / Intense Leg Stretch and Supta Virasana / Reclining Hero Pose because it helps me stretch my legs, knees, hip flexors and back.

Motto: What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

Yoga Has Taught Me: I find that all the lessons I’ve learned on the mat can easily be translated into my everyday life. One of them is: If you fall, get back up and start again.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Coming to Canada and being away from my friends and family helped me realize that my strength comes from within.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I completed the pose called Eka Pada Galavasana / One Legged Pose Dedicated to Galava for the first time. It felt like a great accomplishment! 

More About Elena: Elena immigrated to Canada 7 years ago by herself and quickly fell in love with Toronto. She is a former professional Russian folk dancer. She loves to explore a variety of yoga poses because it keeps her in optimal shape both mentally and physically.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Carol L.

Carolyn L.

Origins: China

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Hanumanasana in Sirsasana / Headstand in Pose Dedicated to the Deity Hanuman because it’s challenging and it strengthens my arms and core, while stretching my legs at the same time.

Motto: Live everyday like it’s your last with no regrets!

Yoga Has Taught Me: That nothing can replace hard work and practice, practice, practice.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Working for a company that aims to provide sustainable renewable energy services to the masses.

Favorite Yoga Memory: Doing a headstand for the first time. Once I mastered this yoga pose I found that I continued to grow in my yoga practice.

More About Carolyn: Carolyn is an avid world traveller, foodie, yoga enthusiast and loves anything to do with fitness. She enjoys a daily yoga practice because it increases her strength, flexibility and balance, while at the same time calming her mind.

Carolyn L.

Origins: China

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Hanumanasana in Sirsasana / Headstand in Pose Dedicated to the Deity Hanuman because it’s challenging and it strengthens my arms and core, while stretching my legs at the same time.

Motto: Live everyday like it’s your last with no regrets!

Yoga Has Taught Me: That nothing can replace hard work and practice, practice, practice.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Working for a company that aims to provide sustainable renewable energy services to the masses.

Favorite Yoga Memory: Doing a headstand for the first time. Once I mastered this yoga pose I found that I continued to grow in my yoga practice.

More About Carolyn: Carolyn is an avid world traveller, foodie, yoga enthusiast and loves anything to do with fitness. She enjoys a daily yoga practice because it increases her strength, flexibility and balance, while at the same time calming her mind.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Dasha C.

Dasha C.

 Origins: Kazakhstan

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Tiriang Mukhottanasana / Intense Backbend Stretch because it increases spinal flexibility and strength.

Motto: Live everyday like it’s your last!

Yoga Has Taught Me:  That proper alignment is important to avoid injury. This is crucial if you want to advance in your yoga asana practice.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Learning how to do a headstand helped me understand that nothing is perfect and that if I strive for my goals I can make them a reality.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I took my first yoga class as a child, I fell in love with yoga and its benefits, and I continue to practice to this day. 

More About Dasha: Dasha was born in Kazakhstan. She is a University Student who is also a dancer and model. She’s fluent in Russian, English and French. She has a natural talent and curiosity which has helped her grow in her yoga practice.

Dasha C.

 Origins: Kazakhstan

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Tiriang Mukhottanasana / Intense Backbend Stretch because it increases spinal flexibility and strength.

Motto: Live everyday like it’s your last!

Yoga Has Taught Me: That proper alignment is important to avoid injury. This is crucial if you want to advance in your yoga asana practice.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Learning how to do a headstand helped me understand that nothing is perfect and that if I strive for my goals I can make them a reality.

Favorite Yoga Memory: When I took my first yoga class as a child, I fell in love with yoga and its benefits, and I continue to practice to this day. 

More About Dasha: Dasha was born in Kazakhstan. She is a University Student who is also a dancer and model. She’s fluent in Russian, English and French. She has a natural talent and curiosity which has helped her grow in her yoga practice.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Eva M.

Eva M.

Origins: China

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Paripurna Navasana / Complete Boat Pose and Ustrasana / Camel Pose. I love this pose because it stretches nearly all major muscles of the body and is known to improve the circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems.

Motto: If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!

Yoga Has Taught Me: How to add simplicity in a complex world.

Major Breakthrough in Life: I overcame my fear of heights by doing the world’s highest tandem skydive in Florida.

Favorite Yoga Memory: My favorite yoga memories were created during the Mr. Yoga photoshoots. I learned so much and had a lot of fun every time with Dan and the rest of his team!

More About Eva: Eva studied Fashion at Ryerson University. She has a background in ballet and Barre. She enjoys practicing yoga to help her develop flexibility and strength.

Eva M.

Origins: China

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Paripurna Navasana / Complete Boat Pose and Ustrasana / Camel Pose. I love this pose because it stretches nearly all major muscles of the body and is known to improve the circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems.

Motto: If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!

Yoga Has Taught Me: How to add simplicity in a complex world.

Major Breakthrough in Life: I overcame my fear of heights by doing the world’s highest tandem skydive in Florida.

Favorite Yoga Memory: My favorite yoga memories were created during the Mr. Yoga photoshoots. I learned so much and had a lot of fun every time with Dan and the rest of his team!

More About Eva: Eva studied Fashion at Ryerson University. She has a background in ballet and Barre. She enjoys practicing yoga to help her develop flexibility and strength.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Justin L.

Justin L.

Origins: China

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Eka Pada Bakasana 1 / One Legged Crane 1 Pose because it combines strength, balance and flexibility.

Motto: Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has taught me the benefits of pushing myself past my comfort zone. What once seemed impossible is now attainable.

Major Breakthrough in Life: When I took a trip around the world. Being able to travel a lot and realizing how awesome all the different cultures of the world are.

Favorite Yoga Memory: My first time balancing in a headstand without a wall was my favorite yoga moment because it was one of those things that felt impossible the first couple times I tried it.

More About Justin: Justin enjoys traveling and fitness. He does weightlifting and practices yoga regularly to help him with flexibility and range of motion.

Justin L.

Origins: China

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Eka Pada Bakasana 1 / One Legged Crane 1 Pose because it combines strength, balance and flexibility.

Motto: Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has taught me the benefits of pushing myself past my comfort zone. What once seemed impossible is now attainable.

Major Breakthrough in Life: When I took a trip around the world. Being able to travel a lot and realizing how awesome all the different cultures of the world are.

Favorite Yoga Memory: My first time balancing in a headstand without a wall was my favorite yoga moment because it was one of those things that felt impossible the first couple times I tried it.

More About Justin: Justin enjoys traveling and fitness. He does weightlifting and practices yoga regularly to help him with flexibility and range of motion.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Neil F.


Origins: United Kingdom

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Ustrasana / Camel Pose as it helps increase flexibility and releases tension in the spine.

Motto: We only live life once, have fun!

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has taught me to never settle, to always go beyond what I thought I was capable of. It has also taught me to keep pushing the bar higher and higher.

Major Breakthrough in Life: My breakthrough moment was realizing there was more to life than work during my first yoga class.

Favorite Yoga Memory: Being a part of the Mr. Yoga Website World’s Largest Yoga Poses Collection. We had fun and it was such a great release from my daily stresses.

More About Neil: Neil is from Manchester, UK. He is an IT Consultant and a Crossfit Trainer. He keeps in shape by including Yoga, Crossfit , Boxing, Football, and anything that involves him being outdoors.


Origins: United Kingdom

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Ustrasana / Camel Pose as it helps increase flexibility and releases tension in the spine.

Motto: We only live life once, have fun!

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has taught me to never settle, to always go beyond what I thought I was capable of. It has also taught me to keep pushing the bar higher and higher.

Major Breakthrough in Life: My breakthrough moment was realizing there was more to life than work during my first yoga class.

Favorite Yoga Memory: Being a part of the Mr. Yoga Website World’s Largest Yoga Poses Collection. We had fun and it was such a great release from my daily stresses.

More About Neil: Neil is from Manchester, UK. He is an IT Consultant and a Crossfit Trainer. He keeps in shape by including Yoga, Crossfit , Boxing, Football, and anything that involves him being outdoors.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Taisia S.

Taisia S.

Origins: Ukraine

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Pindasana in Sirsasana 1 / Embryo Pose in Headstand because I used to be scared of doing that pose. 

Motto: Let hope be your guide and set a doubt to the wayside.

Yoga Has Taught Me: To be fearless and make a habit of trying things that scare and challenge me.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Leaving Ukraine and starting a new life in Canada. The experience has taught me a lot about my own self-perseverance.

Favorite Yoga Memory: Performing the yoga pose called Bakasana / Crane Pose. I always found arm balances to be the most difficult. I love to confront my weaknesses. 

More About Taisia: Taisia is a mother of two children and enjoys Taekwondo and Yoga. Having an open mind has helped her overcome challenges not only on the yoga mat but also in her daily life.

Taisia S.

Origins: Ukraine

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Pindasana in Sirsasana 1 / Embryo Pose in Headstand because I used to be scared of doing that pose. 

Motto: Let hope be your guide and set a doubt to the wayside.

Yoga Has Taught Me: To be fearless and make a habit of trying things that scare and challenge me.

Major Breakthrough in Life: Leaving Ukraine and starting a new life in Canada. The experience has taught me a lot about my own self-perseverance.

Favorite Yoga Memory: Performing the yoga pose called Bakasana / Crane Pose. I always found arm balances to be the most difficult. I love to confront my weaknesses. 

More About Taisia: Taisia is a mother of two children and enjoys Taekwondo and Yoga. Having an open mind has helped her overcome challenges not only on the yoga mat but also in her daily life.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Hue N.

Hue N.

Origins: Vietnam

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana / One Legged Upward Bow Pose because it is an effective pose to help build strength, flexibility and stamina.

Motto: If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. 

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has taught me to believe in myself. I realized that there is ease and grace just on the other side, so I keep trying, keep practicing.

Major Breakthrough in Life: When I started a new life in Canada at the age of 27. It was really difficult for me to leave the people and things that I cherished in Vietnam but I’m happy that I took the leap.

Favorite Yoga Memory: The first time I did a handstand. I felt like I was a new super me.

More About Hue: Hue was first introduced to yoga by her parents who were avid Zen practitioners. As a former dancer and member of the National Aerobic Team.

Hue N.

Origins: Vietnam

Favorite Yoga Pose & Why: Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana / One Legged Upward Bow Pose because it is an effective pose to help build strength, flexibility and stamina.

Motto: If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. 

Yoga Has Taught Me: Yoga has taught me to believe in myself. I realized that there is ease and grace just on the other side, so I keep trying, keep practicing.

Major Breakthrough in Life: When I started a new life in Canada at the age of 27. It was really difficult for me to leave the people and things that I cherished in Vietnam but I’m happy that I took the leap.

Favorite Yoga Memory: The first time I did a handstand. I felt like I was a new super me.

More About Hue: Hue was first introduced to yoga by her parents who were avid Zen practitioners. As a former dancer and member of the National Aerobic Team.

MR. YOGA GLOBAL AMBASSADORS APPLICATION ambassadors have been hand selected based upon their unique talents and successes. Our yoga ambassador’s goal is to guide you through your yogic journey by contributing quality content to Our extensive online library includes yoga poses, yoga videos and articles that will assist you in learning, understanding and growing in your yoga practice quickly and efficiently.

Each Goddess and Titan is an inspirational role model who consistently strives to reach their highest potential. Mr. Yoga Ambassadors carry specialized skills, expertise and training to offer our readers a thorough insight of the ancient yoga practice applicable for today’s modern environment. These inspirational yogis have a passion for life, and their dedication towards their yoga practice is reflected on and off the yoga mat.

Mr. Yoga Ambassadors believe in taking initiative. They directly impact the lives of their local communities by consistently setting high standards. Community by community, we bind together globally, raising the the bar in the yoga industry. We are proud to acknowledge our Yoga Ambassadors as they exemplify our core values, motivate and inspire.

The exclusive Mr. Yoga Ambassador Program is comprised of exceptional individuals in our Yoga Communities who exemplify the Mr. Yoga Lifestyle and Culture.

The Mr. Yoga Program is designed to support and assist esteemed Yogis who share our core values and are respected in their local neighbourhoods. They are supported by Mr. Yoga through comradeship, and are offered the opportunity of life altering journeys and personal advancement through elite performance training.

Our Ambassadors are more than just Yogis, they are exceptional individuals who are also testers for our products and are closely aligned with our brand’s principal standards and code of ethics. The Mr. Yoga Ambassadors stand behind our products and use our supplements as they work directly with our design department to put to the test, perfect and certify our products. They endorse our supplements and various other merchandise because they believe in its quality and performance.

Presently we support over 20 privileged Yoga Ambassadors. The number of amazing Yogis in our Mr. Yoga Ambassador Program is constantly growing.

We devote ourselves to being recognized as a leader in the yoga community. We have made a commitment to support our yoga community and create an atmosphere where we inspire personal growth and innovation. The objective is to provide strategies that help others maintain healthy minds, bodies and environments. Creating a community of change, our vision is empowerment and improvement of society.

An integral part of our success is driven by our local communities. We believe in fostering a legitimate sense of community and wellbeing. Our Ambassadors are volunteers who are inspired to take personal responsibility to create change. Through information sharing, education and encouragement at a local level we believe that we can positively influence the health of our communities. In this way, we will realize our goal of inspiring the world from mediocrity to excellence.


1 + 15 =

Meet Mr. Yoga’s Talented Students That Appeared in the New York Times Bestseller 2,100 Asanas.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Jemma B.

Jemma B.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Victoria B.

Victoria B.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Julia T.

Julia T.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Eli M.

Eli M.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Taylor K.

Taylor K.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Susan M.

Susan M.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Rachel M.

Rachel M.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Valeria G.

Valeria G.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Nicki B.

Nicki B.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Michael C.

Michael C.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Matthew B.

Matthew B.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Diana M.

Diana M.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Elissa R.

Elissa R.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador - Josiah G.

Josiah G.

Mr. Yoga Ambassador -Menaka I.

Menaka I.

Daniel Lacerda


New York Times best selling author  & Guinness World Records title holder Daniel Lacerda (aka Mr. Yoga) is the worlds number one authority on yoga poses. This yoga pioneer has been featured in The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, The Huffington Post, Dr. Oz The Good Life, Men’s Health, and Self magazine to name a few.

Daniel’s students include TV celebrities and former Olympic athletes, along with everyday people. His personal goal is to get 1 billion people to practice yoga worldwide. Daniel continues to train others to become certified yoga teachers. All of the models selected to appear on this website are his students. The Mr. Yoga, Inc. office is located in Beverly Hills California.

Daniel Lacerda


New York Times best selling author & Guinness World Records title holder Daniel Lacerda (aka Mr. Yoga) is the worlds number one authority on yoga poses. This yoga pioneer has been featured in The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, The Huffington Post, Dr. Oz The Good Life, Men’s Health, and Self magazine to name a few.

Daniel’s students include TV celebrities and former Olympic athletes, along with everyday people. His personal goal is to get 1 billion people to practice yoga worldwide. Daniel continues to train others to become certified yoga teachers. All of the models selected to appear on this website are his students. The Mr. Yoga, Inc. office is located in Beverly Hills California.

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